Nanban Movie 10 Days World Wide Collections Is 107 Crores
Nanban Movie 10 Days World Wide Collections Is 107 Crores. Vijay’s Nanban which is got positive talk all over and also getting rave reviews from all sides and breaking record collections. It has Collected approx 30 Crores Sunday.
1st Day Collections 15 Crores
2nd Day Collections 14.5 Crores
3rd Day Collections 14 Crores
4th Day Collections 12.6 Crores
5th Day Collections 11.2 Crores
6th Day Collections 10.4 Crores
7th Day Collections 8.3 Crores
8th Day Collections 7.4 Crores
9th Day Collections 6.4 Crores
10th Day Collections 7.2 Crores
Total 9 Days Collections - 107 Crores
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